
As presenter

  • April 2024. “Parrhēsia and the matter of listening in Foucault.” Midwest Political Science Association Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
  • March 2024. “Parrhēsia and the matter of listening in Foucault.” Western Political Science Association Conference. Vancouver, BC.
  • April 2023. “Tearing the roof off: Political courage and the problem of stasis.” Western Political Science Association Conference. San Francisco, California.
  • March 2023. “Discovering the other’s voice: Arendt and world-traveling.” Hannah Arendt Center: Judgment, Pluralism, and Democracy Conference. Annandale-on-Hudson, New York.
  • April 2021. “Soldier, citizen, wanderer: Hannah Arendt and the paradigms of courage.” Midwest Political Science Association Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
  • November 2018. “The Delphic task: Courage and self-knowledge in Montaigne’s Essays.” Graduate Student Political Theory Workshop. Evanston, Illinois. November 2017. “Montaigne’s concept of courage.” New Zealand Political Studies Association Conference. Dunedin, New Zealand.

As discussant

  • March 2024. Patrick Giamario (UNC Greensboro), “Rule by not-knowing: The philosophical sorcery of the Noble Lie.” Western Political Science Association Conference. Vancouver, BC.
  • May 2021. Daniela Cammack (UC Berkeley), “Representation in Ancient Greek democracy.” Graduate Student Political Theory Workshop. Evanston, Illinois.
  • April 2021. Gaye Ilhan Demiryol (Bogazici University), “Truth-telling as world-building.” Midwest Political Science Association Conference. Chicago, Illinois.