
Instructor of record (University of Otago)

  • Summer 2018. Course: Power and Liberty.
  • Summer 2017. Course: Power and Liberty.

Teaching assistant (Northwestern University)

  • Spring 2022. Course: Introduction to Political Theory. Instructor: Shmulik Nili.
  • Spring 2021. Course: National Security. Instructor: Jeff Rice.
  • Winter 2021. Course: Ancient Greek History and Culture. Instructor: Jonah Radding.
  • Fall 2020. Course: Introduction to Political Theory. Instructor: Julia Brown.
  • Spring 2020. Course: Roman History and Culture. Instructor: Taco Terpstra.
  • Winter 2020. Course: Ancient Greek History and Culture. Instructor: Jonah Radding.
  • Fall 2019. Course: Introduction to Political Theory. Instructor: Loubna El Amine.

Guest lecturer

  • Spring 2022. Thomas Hobbes: Equality, Authority, and Nature. Northwestern University.
  • Fall 2011. Political Emotions. Otago University.